Sadly for me, I only discovered Betty Lavette when she released the "I've Got My Own Hell to Raise" album. Now I know that she was a Detroit soul R&B star in the early 60's. I have the sorta excuse that I was born in 1954 , but that doesn't really explain how I found so many other musicians who made music before my own time.
This interview with ReelBlack is very good. I love both the history, the reality that a great singer was neglected for so long, and the equal reality that her survival depended upon her wise response to being told that she needed to work at becoming a great singer. Hey, how many singers would spend decades working on Lush Life? (IMHO Ricky Lee Jones was not yet worthy.)
Here she is then
And now
Did The Who know that they'd be sitting with Barbara Streisand at the Lincoln Center event honoring their career? What an amazing thing to see Bettye Lavette, Pete Townsend, Roger Daltry and Barbara Streisand all present in the same musical moment.
Anyway, Bettye Lavette is wonderful. Buy anything and everything she sings.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
LOST Tuesday: Sound and Fury
It's another LOST Tuesday without any good TV but thankfully, there are a still good LOST bloggers posting great closing thoughts. In contrast to the rather elegant view that LOST was reminiscent of Visions of Johanna, Fishbiscuitland is screaming out for those of us who cared about the characters, the mysteries. Jack? Not so much.
In the end, was LOST Cheesy? Lame? Cliched? Cheap? Vapid? Sound and fury signifying nothing?
Hang in there, Fishbiscuit.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
LOST Tuesday: Visions of Johanna
I can't stop LOST Tuesday-ing, so I'll continue with my own occasional reflections and share what I think are some of the best other ones out there.
Ack Attack Rachel has a great analysis of The End that uses Dylan's Visions of Johanna as the organizing theme. Read her deep Dylan pensive piece here. And then read her funniest ever recap of The End right here.
My own theory is that what happened, happened. No, they weren't dead all along. No, the island wasn't purgatory. No, the last season was not Jack's dying dream. No, the whole show wasn't about being saved by Jesus or any other Christian Shepherd. I see the sideways world a little like Ack does, but I would call it the collective unconscious, a place made real simply by the relationships between our characters, their ego selves, and all of the mythology of humankind that makes it possible for us to construct individual selves, at least during the brief period of our individual lives, and then to let all of that go in death.
And just to wrap this one up, here's Visions of Johanna on Pandora.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Music Monday: Jeff Beck and Tal Wilkenfeld
Holy shit, I turned on the tv this weekend and happened upon an absolutely incredible Jeff Beck concert. The 1972 Jeff Beck Group album and 1975 Blow by Blow got a lot of play in my college years.
Maybe the rest of the world already knows this, but apparently Jeff Beck plays an annual gig at a London jazz club called Ronnie Scott's. He is still absolutely amazing. Check out how he can have fun with Tal Wilkenfeld, an amazing and very young bass player from Australia, on Big Block.
Then watch him give Tal a solo in Cause We've Ended as Lovers, and watch him just get blown away and need a minute to come back in when she's done. Nope, girls didn't play bass in 1970 and she's just amazing in 2010.
And how he steps back to give some lush bass to Imogen Heap's voice on Blanket.
There's lots more on youtube, including People Get Ready with Joss Stone. I prefer Angel's Footsteps, especially the sounds he pulls from that guitar at the close of the song. You can buy the concert film or album on itunes and other places, I imagine. Why buy the whole pig just to get a little sausage? Because the sound quality is a lot better than youtube. If your cable stations include Palladia you might catch the concert there. What's coming next for Jeff Beck? Apparently a new album with another female bass player, Rhonda Smith. I looked at some of the youtube videos but didn't like the big stadium stuff as much as the small club videos here.
Maybe the rest of the world already knows this, but apparently Jeff Beck plays an annual gig at a London jazz club called Ronnie Scott's. He is still absolutely amazing. Check out how he can have fun with Tal Wilkenfeld, an amazing and very young bass player from Australia, on Big Block.
Then watch him give Tal a solo in Cause We've Ended as Lovers, and watch him just get blown away and need a minute to come back in when she's done. Nope, girls didn't play bass in 1970 and she's just amazing in 2010.
And how he steps back to give some lush bass to Imogen Heap's voice on Blanket.
There's lots more on youtube, including People Get Ready with Joss Stone. I prefer Angel's Footsteps, especially the sounds he pulls from that guitar at the close of the song. You can buy the concert film or album on itunes and other places, I imagine. Why buy the whole pig just to get a little sausage? Because the sound quality is a lot better than youtube. If your cable stations include Palladia you might catch the concert there. What's coming next for Jeff Beck? Apparently a new album with another female bass player, Rhonda Smith. I looked at some of the youtube videos but didn't like the big stadium stuff as much as the small club videos here.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
LOST Tuesday: Listen to your mother.
Have you noticed that Darlton interviews are all about religion, good and evil these days? I've also noticed that important women on the show are mothers or wannabe mothers. My baby sister has what is probably the best and most correct theory on the deeper, philosophical meaning of LOST. Here ya go.
Well, LOST…… I think the bad boys screwed up the beautiful light in the tunnel and let the black smoke out and just proved that women are better than men! They never listen…….
Deep – huh?
Ya see, it is going to prove that we girls would have just enjoyed it and listened to our mother. That’s it! It will be the ultimate lesson in “Listen to your mother” - “Because I said so!” or the bad black smoke will get you and ruin the world.
Behind every question is just another question. This could explain it all.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
LOST morning: Bad Twin from Across the Sea?
So from Across the Sea came Jacob and - could it be - The Bad Twin? You remember. Gary Troup was the first survivor killed after the crash when he stood too close to the plane and was sucked into the engine. Gross. Later, Sawyer's beach stash included a manuscript of Troup's book. Hurley read it first, in The Long Con. Sawyer read it next, in Two for the Road. It was so good that when Jack tried to interrupt his reading, Sawyer told Jack to go take a walk around some coconut trees so Sawyer could finish the last few pages. In one of his Jack the Jerk moments, Jack tossed the final pages into a fire.
Unlike Sawyer, we can buy the book on Amazon. But we can also read the full plot on Lostpedia. It's a gripping story about fictional Widmore twins Clifford and Alexander. Alexander - "Zander" - is missing and Private Eye Paul is hired to find him. Mayhem and death follow our Scottish P. I. as he follows clues around the world. Eventually, he finds love with Pru and then together they find Zander living on an island. Alexander/Zander seems to be an irresponsible bad guy, but is really just badly misunderstood. He's trying to help the island people. The book is full of references to bright white light, purgatory, and final chances to make the right choice between good and evil.
The book was part of the Lost Experience Season 2 summer, along with the Rachel Blake-Alvar Hanso-Thomas Mittelwork escapades. Apparently it all started out under the direction of Darlton, but then the hired writers went rogue and made up some stuff of their own that "didn't meet the bar." Much of this book and the Rachel Blake story was disowned by Darlton and so might not be part of the real LOST story line. Still, they put the manuscript into Sawyer's hands and wove the title and the main ideas into the first season, so it's worth some thought.
I listened pretty closely and didn't hear a name for the young Smoke Mess, but it just might be Alexander. And if that were true, what would it all mean? Nothing much I suppose. But I believe we now have the back stories of Eve, Adam/Alexander and Jacob.
Hey, my dear hubs just asked, "I wonder if Smokey knows he's dead?" Now there's a very good question.
Unlike Sawyer, we can buy the book on Amazon. But we can also read the full plot on Lostpedia. It's a gripping story about fictional Widmore twins Clifford and Alexander. Alexander - "Zander" - is missing and Private Eye Paul is hired to find him. Mayhem and death follow our Scottish P. I. as he follows clues around the world. Eventually, he finds love with Pru and then together they find Zander living on an island. Alexander/Zander seems to be an irresponsible bad guy, but is really just badly misunderstood. He's trying to help the island people. The book is full of references to bright white light, purgatory, and final chances to make the right choice between good and evil.
The book was part of the Lost Experience Season 2 summer, along with the Rachel Blake-Alvar Hanso-Thomas Mittelwork escapades. Apparently it all started out under the direction of Darlton, but then the hired writers went rogue and made up some stuff of their own that "didn't meet the bar." Much of this book and the Rachel Blake story was disowned by Darlton and so might not be part of the real LOST story line. Still, they put the manuscript into Sawyer's hands and wove the title and the main ideas into the first season, so it's worth some thought.
I listened pretty closely and didn't hear a name for the young Smoke Mess, but it just might be Alexander. And if that were true, what would it all mean? Nothing much I suppose. But I believe we now have the back stories of Eve, Adam/Alexander and Jacob.
Hey, my dear hubs just asked, "I wonder if Smokey knows he's dead?" Now there's a very good question.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
LOST Monday
Okay, so I had a LOST weekend followed by a LOST Monday. Didn't you?
At this point, all I can say is that I am confident Darlton have a plan and are taking us somewhere amazing. Look, they definitely have a plan. And they are working it.
Ack Attack has my favorite recap of last week's The Candidate.
Come on, Tuesday!
At this point, all I can say is that I am confident Darlton have a plan and are taking us somewhere amazing. Look, they definitely have a plan. And they are working it.
Ack Attack has my favorite recap of last week's The Candidate.
Come on, Tuesday!
Friday, May 7, 2010
LOST Friday: Aaron must return
You know, we have too much invested in Aaron. He's gotta show up again.
And this season I actually like Claire and Kate. And I love those closing looks between Flocke, Saying, Flock, Claire and Flocke, Kate in Catch a Falling Star. Let's watch that last scene again while we wait for next week, shall we?
Ah, Lapidus, Sun, Sayid, Ilana. Nice to see you again.
And this season I actually like Claire and Kate. And I love those closing looks between Flocke, Saying, Flock, Claire and Flocke, Kate in Catch a Falling Star. Let's watch that last scene again while we wait for next week, shall we?
Ah, Lapidus, Sun, Sayid, Ilana. Nice to see you again.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Lost Thursday: What I don't know and might find out next week.
It's LOST day after Tuesday so let's cut right to the chase.
I was righteously pissed but now I'm getting past it
Damn, every once in a while I post a comment on someone else's LOST blog, but usually I drift into "if this whole story is some Christian message" or "if a show that has one of the best stories and most diverse (realistic) casts ends up being another 'white guy with black-ish friend gets hot white chick' flicks, I'm outa here." I thought that when Michael and Walt left. I thought it again when Eko died. Then Naomi. Then Abbadon. Sure, white people die too. But do any people "of color" get to live?
But I haven't been thinking that for a while now. Then suddenly, all the cast members who are not white (Sayid, Sun, Jin) die! Okay, maybe Rose is out there living a happy island life with Bernard, but we haven't seen nearly enough of her. So Sayid, Sun and Jin dying in one episode pissed me off. Then I thought these deaths are warming us up for more deaths. So it is even harder to accept the white people deaths and we need to knock off these people to get us ready to deal with what comes next week? No, no, no and no. Not for me. I don't accept the brown deaths to help me accept the white deaths. And then I am supposed to accept that if there is one last white man/candidate left standing it will be a man. Not a woman. (Does anyone think Kate will be the last Candidate standing? Claire?)
Then today I thought, okay.
#1. This white people are the center of the story rule is almost every novel, every TV show, every movie. (Unless it's a "black" novel, TV show or movie.) Why do I require that LOST, one of the best, somehow live in another sideways reality in which this is not the rule? I wish they could overcome, but why single out a darn good show for punishment, when it is like this all over TV?
#2. No blogs I read are thinking what I'm thinking. I'm thinking, this is so racist. They are saying, Oooh Sayid is such a great hero. Oooh, Sun and Jin have a great love, like Leo and Kate on the Titanic. I want a Jin-Sun love.
#3. Sun, Jin and Sayid are all still alive in sideways reality so we'll see them again next week.
#4. I must carry on. There are so many questions I must answer.
Who's Jack's ex?
Huh. Ufoundme on the Lost Blog says s/he thinks Jack's ex-wife is Penny Milton. (Penny's last name is Milton?) I've been thinking it's Juliet and that Juliet will also show up as an OB/GYN. She'll save Sun's baby and deliver Claire's too. Then she'll meet Sawyer for coffee and he'll wake up. Because Juliet is just that awesome. Maybe next week we'll find out who's right.
Who was The Last Recruit? Who is Jack's true love?
And Lostgrrl on Lost Blog makes a good point. Two weeks ago, in The Last Recruit, most of us assumed that when Jack jumps ship, he is the last recruit to Smokeness Lockster's team. But maybe the meaning of the episode title is that Sayid is the last recruit to Desmond's team. As Lostgrrl says, "Sideways Des is certainly “recruiting.” I wonder why it was so important for him to facilitate the Claire/Jack meeting?" Who will wake them up? Will Claire meet Charlie? Who is Jack's true grrl love? Does he have one? Will true love wake them up or do they need to be hit by a car?
Who is The Candidate?
That's the title for tonight's episode. Given that in The Last Recruit Jack jumped ship and Desmond arranged the Claire/Jack meeting, then Jack appeared to be in the know and so brave in The Candidate, Jack is clearly either the Candidate or his actions are very important to protect and guide the Candidate. So I am guessing it's Jack, Aaron, or Locke. But I would love to be surprised with someone else entirely.
Maybe the Claire/Jack meeting could prompt Jack to understand that Aaron is the Candidate. Jack could still convince Locke to go for the surgery that could mean Locke and can walk anywhere and everywhere. See my LOST weekend post for my theory that a young Locke might be the Jungle Boy. Now I'll add that Smokeness Lockster spends a lot of time dissing my main LOST man, John Locke. I don't know about you, but I can't put up with that. Man in Black is not only Jacob's nemesis, he is Locke's nemesis. Remember Sayid tells Jack, "you're the one." Jack tell's Locke "I think you're a candidate." Is Jack awake? When did that happen? Or is Jack the one always awake, in every timeline? Maybe that tattoo won't let him sleep. Does Sayid mean Jack is the candidate or Jack is the one who has to do something to protect the candidiate?
Will Jack be the last man standing on the island? Or is Jack doing what it takes to bring Locke back to the island? Or maybe to bring Aaron back to the island? Or everyone back to the island to do what they now know they were meant to do?
Smoke and water, volcanoes and ash
Remember when Ben, Annie and the Dharma kids' got a lesson in volcanoes from teacher Olivia Goodspeed? Who, with her husband Horace, helped the off island Linus family when Ben was born and Emily died in childbirth?
Are those ash circles and little bags of ash Jacob's ashes or volcano ashes? Or one and the same, if Jacob is the island and the island was formed by a volcano?
Can Smokeness Lockster travel over water without a boat? Walk through pylons? Why or why not? Talk amongst yourselves.
And sticks and backpacks
What's with Smokeness Lockester's stick? Is it Eko's stick? And backpacks? This week, didn't Smocke Flocke abandon his backpack in a few scenes? Then it appeared again and he gave it to Jack loaded with a bomb, right? And where did he leave that big Eko stick?
Locke to Flocke Smocke
So think about it. Locke turned the donkey wheel, landed in Tunisia, Widmore met him and set him up with Abbadon and off Locke went to round up the survivors to fly back to the island on Ajira. Our survivors aren't going for Locke's argument. He thinks he's failed and plans to hang himself, but Ben shows up and, after getting information to lead the way to Eloise, Ben kills Locke.
After Ajira lands, Ilana and Bram notice Flocke standing at the edge of the water wearing a suit. Ilana knows that this man was not on the plane. Flocke tells Ilana that he is dressed up because he was going to buried in that suit. He tells her he doesn't remember being on the plane, but he does remember dying. Flocke Smocke shows up right by the water, gazing out at the main island. He seems to walk right out of the water, but now we also think he can't travel over, through or get in water. Wassup?
Who's gonna die?
We didn't see people we care about die at the Temple, did we? Ilana's blow up was just to get us used to the inevitable. So the message of Ilana's death was, people we know are gonna die. They did. Who's next? Sawyer, Kate, Hurley or Jack? Miles, Ben or Alpert?
The last picture show?
This season we saw promo pictures that posed our cast at the Last Supper. I never totally got that. Who's giving who what sort of look and why? Which cast member is the Judas Iscariot? This I can understand. Here are the candidates in front of an island barracks style structure.
And last,
I'm totally hoping that:
Jack operates on Locke
Sawyer arrives at the hospital to investigate Sun's shooting
Juliet delivers Sun's baby and saves Sun's life
Juliet walks to the next room and says, Okay, I might as well deliver Claire's baby Aaron while I'm at it
Sawyer and Juliet meet and say, hey, I love you won't you tell me your name and let's go have coffee
Locke wakes up from Jack's surgery, walks, and says "we have to go back to the island! Yes -- again!"
Locke and Helen have a very heartbreaking conversation about that and I'm crying
Locke and Jack get all the sideways people together again one last time
They go to the island -- again! -- and Lapidus flies the plane
This time they all finally know what they are supposed to do
Christian Shepherd tells Vincent the doggy, go wake up my son, he has work to do
Jack opens his eyes back on the beach -- again!
Everyone does what they have to do
They save the world, the planet and the human race
There are lots of sacrifices, two lovers have to become white stone/black stone Dharma suited Adam and Eve
but ....
but ....
Claire sings Catch a Falling Star and Rousseau sings La Mer
Penny and Desmond are reunited and live happily every after
The end!
Do you remember Rousseau's music box song, La Mer? It was played by Rousseau's music box, which was fixed by Sayid, but he stole Rousseau's map of the island, which was written in French, but Shannon translated it, and on the map was scribbled the words to the song:
Somewhere beyond the sea,
Somewhere, waiting for me,
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing;
Somewhere, waiting for me,
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing;
Somewhere beyond the sea,
He's (She's) there watching for me.
If I could fly like birds on high,
Then straight to his (her) arms I'd go sailing.
He's (She's) there watching for me.
If I could fly like birds on high,
Then straight to his (her) arms I'd go sailing.
It's far beyond a star,
It's near beyond the moon,
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon.
It's near beyond the moon,
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon.
We'll meet beyond the shore,
We'll kiss just as before.
Happy we'll be beyond the sea,
And never again I'll go sailing
We'll kiss just as before.
Happy we'll be beyond the sea,
And never again I'll go sailing
And Catch a Falling Star
OH boo hoo hoo! LOST is so great and so sad... I'm hanging in there.
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
For love may come and tap you on the shoulder
Some starless night
Just in case you feel you wanna hold her
You’ll have a pocketful of starlight
Some starless night
Just in case you feel you wanna hold her
You’ll have a pocketful of starlight
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
For love may come and tap you on the shoulder
Some starless night
And just in case you feel you wanna hold her
You’ll have a pocketful of starlight
Some starless night
And just in case you feel you wanna hold her
You’ll have a pocketful of starlight
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
For when your troubles start multiplyin’
And they just might
It’s easy to forget them without tryin’
With just a pocketful of starlight
And they just might
It’s easy to forget them without tryin’
With just a pocketful of starlight
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
Save it for a rainy day
OH boo hoo hoo! LOST is so great and so sad... I'm hanging in there.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I thought I had it all
I have a MacBook Air, an iphone, an ipad and just ordered the ipad case so I can lug it around. I thought I had it all. But now I know I don't.
Fortunately my birthday's coming right up.
Fortunately my birthday's coming right up.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Music Monday: Baaba Maal
Here's my pic for another Music Monday post. Since I've done two music posts on a Monday now, I can say that this is a regular feature of my blog, right?
This is Baaba Maal. He's Senegalese, sings in French and Pulaar, has been recording music for 20 years and performs all over the world. Here's one from his newest cd "Television" or "L'homme dans le television."
Baaba Maal says about this song, "The television set is like a stranger you didn’t ask for coming into your living-room. You don’t care about who he is: he just seems to come from nowhere and gives you information."
Baaba Maal is touring the U.S. and was just here in D.C. at the Lisner Auditorium. His 2009 tour included this performance of "African Women" for Mandela Day in New York.
He says, "I use that song to talk about how women can be much more powerful in Africa, which can be really helpful for the entire continent. We should encourage that, and I sing about it to give them more power." If you want more (I sure did) you'll find Baaba Maal on youtube and his official website. You can buy his music just about everywhere and of course, study up on wikipedia.
Cool dude.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Lost weekend: What I might know. Or not.
I just might do Music Monday and LOST Weekend. We'll have to see about that. But here's what I'm thinking about LOST with just a few weeks to go.
Wake up!
When season six kicked off, I liked the theory that the opening of this season might also be the closing of the whole show. Maybe Jack will finally become a worthy leader and take everyone back somehow to a reality in which flight 815 leaves Australia and lands at LAX, the island is sunken deep in the sea, and the numbers have not been broadcast in a very very long time and everyone lives happily ever after.
Our survivors gave each other a lot of looks while on the plane in the season six opening. Jack and Desmond exchange "I am almost knowing something right now" looks. Kate and Jack do the same. In subsequent episodes they look into mirrors as if they are thinking, "I should know something here, but I don't quite know what it is that I don't know. Anybody know what I mean?"
But now Charlie and Daniel woke up Desmond who woke up Hurley and maybe Locke who might wake up Jack who... wait a minute. Why was Desmond on the LAX flight?
What about the Valenzetti numbers?
Weren't the United Nations, Dharma and the DeGroots using the Valenzetti equation to prevent the end of humankind and life as we know it? Didn't the island broadcast those numbers and draw in boats and planes and helicopters and air balloons? Didn't someone have to push the button to keep island time stuck cycling endlessly, invisible to the rest of the planet, while faith and science go to to work to save the world?
Is that the choice - either individual lives can be lived with all of their personal good and bad deeds, loves and hates, or someone can push a button that continually resets the Swan station countdown timer so that humanity can go on forever as long as someone protects this crazy island of space-time. We can stay on the island and hold back evil forever or we can leave and return to the world that is not only morally complicated but that will end.
So who's the good guy and what's love got to do with it?
So is Jacob good because he put the cork in the wine bottle and will never let it out? Is that the only way to save the world? Or is it better to face up to moral complexity? And hey, I like wine. And whatever you call him, Smocke or Flocke or notLocke or Lockeness Monster or Man in Black is pretty hot. So is Locke, so we've got a two-for-one there. Sawyer and Desmond are hot too, but what's love got to do with it? Obviously something.
What about course corrections?
Is the Ajira flight the course correction, bringing the survivors back to the island that they should never have escaped? Or is the sideways LAX life the course correction, bringing the survivors to LAX instead of the island they should never have seen? Will concern for Claire and baby Aaron finally turn Kate's life around in either case? Can any course correction ever help Jack get it together? What can be changed and what will always be corrected? Why does Ethan have to be involved in Aaron's birth one way or another? And where's Juliet? And please tell me that Penny and Desmond will be together no matter what and even after the island is through with Des. No Ilana-style explosions please. And no Charlie-style sacrifices, either.
Is there any hope for those Dharma kids?
What will happen to those cute Dharma kids Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Ben and Annie? I once pored over cast photos in Lostpedia and decided the best match for a grown up Annie is Joyce Malkin, married to psychic Richard who messed with pregnant Claire and mother of teen Charlotte who drowned and came back to life during the autopsy (fortunately pretty early into the autopsy when a bunch of whispering started up) and whose miraculous resurrection was investigated by priest Eko. Charlotte later delivered a message to Eko from his dead brother Yemi. Check it out. Joyce Malkin. Annie.
At one point Darlton said Annie was of seismic importance. Later they clarified that meant importance to Ben's life, not necessarily to the show. I still hope we'll see her soon. Who else could wake up sideways Ben? Apparently not Alex.
What's up with all the conflicting lists?
So many lists, so little time left. Right now, they seem to be lists of candidates who have to be protected so that one of them can take over Jacob's job. But according to Mikhail in "Par Avion" Kate is not on Jacob's list because she is flawed, Sayid is not on because he is weak and frightened, Locke is not on because he is angry. So why are they on the guitar case list? Why aren't the guitar case list, the cave list and the lighthouse list identical? Or are they? Are these all really Jacob's lists of candidates? Or is the cave list Mocke's list and just his best guess at who's on and off Jacob's list? Was Mikhail just a lying liar? Exactly who does he work for anyway?
Why is Claire the new Danielle?
Some women can have babies on the island, as long as they conceived off island. But their babies are taken from them and then they have to become Jungle Janes. These Janes are a good bit tougher than Tarzan ever was, with a great set of steampunk accoutrements. I like Claire and really hope she has been living in Danielle's old steampunk camp.
Who's infected with what?
Was Danielle's team really infected and only she knew it? Or was she infected? Is Sayid infected? Claire? With what? Given all of the candidates were selected for their mix of good and evil, is the infection a tipping in the wrong direction? What's with the baptismal, resurrection dip in the temple water?
Is this the zombie season?
Holy crap, all those years of rumors about the zombie season that will follow the survivor season, the others season, the tailies season, the Dharma season, flashback and the flashforward seasons actually came true! Zombie Christian. Zombie Locke. Zombie Sayid. Zombie Claire. Zomie Richard. Some are Smoky reincarnations. Some are infected by the dark side. Richard and Man in Black are unable to age, unable to leave, unable to die. Michael and the other whisperers are the dead but undead who walk around the island.
Yep, zombies. Richard thinks everyone is dead and in hell. He's wrong, but they are stuck on Zombie Island.
Widmore? Paik? Austen? Thomas? Hawking? Hanso?
What the hell are Widmore and Paik doing? Their interests seem purely materialistic, hoping to exploit the island for personal power and wealth. Ellie/Mrs. Hawking seems to know all about it, but to have opted out. I don't think she's interested in exploiting or protecting the island, just learning the secret science and time travel hot spots to try to change the course of time so that she does not kill her own son. Widmore seems to mostly respect that.
And remember those military-industry bits along the way that connect Widmore (Penny's dad) to Paik (Sun's dad) to Sam Austen (Kate's dad)? Who's Penny's mom? Where did Daniel Faraday, son of Widmore and Hawking, get his last name?
What's up with Widmore and Claire and Aaron? We know Widmore had some contact with Claire's boyfriend Thomas (Aaron's father) and has one of his paintings hanging in his office. I've always thought Widmore paid Thomas to get Claire pregnant and then abandon her. In return, Widmore bought a few of Thomas' paintings and promised to become Thomas' art patron. Maybe Thomas had second thoughts once he started imagining being a daddy and wanted out of the deal. Maybe that was Thomas who Widmore beat up in the garage in that film that Ben showed Locke to convince him that Widmore was a bad guy and Locke should not leave on the freighter.
And hey, we haven't seen or heard from Hanso in years. I always thought it was grandpap Magnus in Jacob's cabin when Ben and Locke visited, the chair spun like crazy, and Locke heard someone say "help me." Zombie Magnus?
The good Shepherds?
Geesh, Christian Shepherd is quite a name. Even for an ex- bad, drunken doctor who has become the Zombie in White who might know it all. In the pilot episode, he tells Walt's doggy Vincent to go wake up his son, because Jack has work to do. Who was Christian at that point? Christian? Or the nano-powered-Smoky-force using the dead body of Christian?
And Jack Shepherd, geesh again. Remember that episode where he gets his tattoo? Lots of bloggers seem to hate the Stranger in a Strange Land episode but way back, that Thai tattoo seemed to matter. When the Thai guys on the beach see it, they beat Jack up. During his captivity by the Others, Isabel translated Jack's tattoo as "he walks among us but is not one of us." According to Lostpedia the real tattoo is in Chinese and refers to a poem by Mao that asks, "who masters fate's rise and descent?"
Jack's name is almost Jacob. This train of thought makes me pretty sure that Jack will be the last candidate standing and the next Jacob. Or maybe Jack and Christian are the shepherds whose ultimate role is to protect Aaron, who will turn out to be the next Jacob.
I love Locke. He's a good man who was used and abused over and over again and never understood why. He was loved only once but couldn't work it out with Helen. Well, except in the sideways timeline and that probably won't work out. When he wakes up in the ambulance after Desmond hits him, Locke says his emergency contact is Helen. "I was going to marry her." So sad. Now that he's awake, he knows this sideways life can't go on. Did his life really have no meaning? Did he make endless mistakes and wind up a tool of evil Smocke? Surely the man of faith deserves better. Why was Alpert present at his birth? What was the meaning of the test and the attempts to recruit young Locke to Mittelos labs?
Who's that Jungle Boy?
But Jungle Boy could be a time jumping young Locke. Wouldn't it be cool if Locke wakes up after Desmond hits him, Jack performs amazing surgery so Locke can walk on or off island, Locke goes to the island, and sees how badly he was used by Flocke and everyone along the way in his shitty life. He would just be even more miserable, right? Wrong! Because suddenly he realizes, "Hey! Now I know what the right object was on the coffee table when Richard came to test me! Now I recognize that weird smoke picture I drew as a kid! I should have gone to that Mittelos summer science camp! I was supposed to come to the island in my youth and it's never too late for a course correction!" You don't remember all that? Lostpedia to the rescue again. It was all in Cabin Fever. Jacob touched Kate and Sawyer as children. But he touched Locke (and Jack, Jin, Sun, Hurley and Sayid) when they were adults. Jacob was giving Locke another chance. Maybe a chance to go back and do his life over again the right way.
Jungle Boy Aaron would be older than any Aaron we've seen yet. Jungle Boy Locke would be older than 5-year-old Locke and would have passed Richard's test the second time around. He would be younger than 15-year-old Locke because he would have gone off to Richard's "special school" in the 1960s. He probably would have become one of Richard's camp of hostiles during the Dharma period. He would look just like the Jungle Boy.
Wake up!
When season six kicked off, I liked the theory that the opening of this season might also be the closing of the whole show. Maybe Jack will finally become a worthy leader and take everyone back somehow to a reality in which flight 815 leaves Australia and lands at LAX, the island is sunken deep in the sea, and the numbers have not been broadcast in a very very long time and everyone lives happily ever after.
Our survivors gave each other a lot of looks while on the plane in the season six opening. Jack and Desmond exchange "I am almost knowing something right now" looks. Kate and Jack do the same. In subsequent episodes they look into mirrors as if they are thinking, "I should know something here, but I don't quite know what it is that I don't know. Anybody know what I mean?"
But now Charlie and Daniel woke up Desmond who woke up Hurley and maybe Locke who might wake up Jack who... wait a minute. Why was Desmond on the LAX flight?
What about the Valenzetti numbers?
Weren't the United Nations, Dharma and the DeGroots using the Valenzetti equation to prevent the end of humankind and life as we know it? Didn't the island broadcast those numbers and draw in boats and planes and helicopters and air balloons? Didn't someone have to push the button to keep island time stuck cycling endlessly, invisible to the rest of the planet, while faith and science go to to work to save the world?
Is that the choice - either individual lives can be lived with all of their personal good and bad deeds, loves and hates, or someone can push a button that continually resets the Swan station countdown timer so that humanity can go on forever as long as someone protects this crazy island of space-time. We can stay on the island and hold back evil forever or we can leave and return to the world that is not only morally complicated but that will end.
So who's the good guy and what's love got to do with it?
So is Jacob good because he put the cork in the wine bottle and will never let it out? Is that the only way to save the world? Or is it better to face up to moral complexity? And hey, I like wine. And whatever you call him, Smocke or Flocke or notLocke or Lockeness Monster or Man in Black is pretty hot. So is Locke, so we've got a two-for-one there. Sawyer and Desmond are hot too, but what's love got to do with it? Obviously something.
What about course corrections?
Is the Ajira flight the course correction, bringing the survivors back to the island that they should never have escaped? Or is the sideways LAX life the course correction, bringing the survivors to LAX instead of the island they should never have seen? Will concern for Claire and baby Aaron finally turn Kate's life around in either case? Can any course correction ever help Jack get it together? What can be changed and what will always be corrected? Why does Ethan have to be involved in Aaron's birth one way or another? And where's Juliet? And please tell me that Penny and Desmond will be together no matter what and even after the island is through with Des. No Ilana-style explosions please. And no Charlie-style sacrifices, either.
Is there any hope for those Dharma kids?
What will happen to those cute Dharma kids Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Ben and Annie? I once pored over cast photos in Lostpedia and decided the best match for a grown up Annie is Joyce Malkin, married to psychic Richard who messed with pregnant Claire and mother of teen Charlotte who drowned and came back to life during the autopsy (fortunately pretty early into the autopsy when a bunch of whispering started up) and whose miraculous resurrection was investigated by priest Eko. Charlotte later delivered a message to Eko from his dead brother Yemi. Check it out. Joyce Malkin. Annie.
At one point Darlton said Annie was of seismic importance. Later they clarified that meant importance to Ben's life, not necessarily to the show. I still hope we'll see her soon. Who else could wake up sideways Ben? Apparently not Alex.
What's up with all the conflicting lists?
So many lists, so little time left. Right now, they seem to be lists of candidates who have to be protected so that one of them can take over Jacob's job. But according to Mikhail in "Par Avion" Kate is not on Jacob's list because she is flawed, Sayid is not on because he is weak and frightened, Locke is not on because he is angry. So why are they on the guitar case list? Why aren't the guitar case list, the cave list and the lighthouse list identical? Or are they? Are these all really Jacob's lists of candidates? Or is the cave list Mocke's list and just his best guess at who's on and off Jacob's list? Was Mikhail just a lying liar? Exactly who does he work for anyway?
Why is Claire the new Danielle?
Some women can have babies on the island, as long as they conceived off island. But their babies are taken from them and then they have to become Jungle Janes. These Janes are a good bit tougher than Tarzan ever was, with a great set of steampunk accoutrements. I like Claire and really hope she has been living in Danielle's old steampunk camp.
Who's infected with what?
Was Danielle's team really infected and only she knew it? Or was she infected? Is Sayid infected? Claire? With what? Given all of the candidates were selected for their mix of good and evil, is the infection a tipping in the wrong direction? What's with the baptismal, resurrection dip in the temple water?
Is this the zombie season?
Holy crap, all those years of rumors about the zombie season that will follow the survivor season, the others season, the tailies season, the Dharma season, flashback and the flashforward seasons actually came true! Zombie Christian. Zombie Locke. Zombie Sayid. Zombie Claire. Zomie Richard. Some are Smoky reincarnations. Some are infected by the dark side. Richard and Man in Black are unable to age, unable to leave, unable to die. Michael and the other whisperers are the dead but undead who walk around the island.
Yep, zombies. Richard thinks everyone is dead and in hell. He's wrong, but they are stuck on Zombie Island.
Widmore? Paik? Austen? Thomas? Hawking? Hanso?
What the hell are Widmore and Paik doing? Their interests seem purely materialistic, hoping to exploit the island for personal power and wealth. Ellie/Mrs. Hawking seems to know all about it, but to have opted out. I don't think she's interested in exploiting or protecting the island, just learning the secret science and time travel hot spots to try to change the course of time so that she does not kill her own son. Widmore seems to mostly respect that.
And remember those military-industry bits along the way that connect Widmore (Penny's dad) to Paik (Sun's dad) to Sam Austen (Kate's dad)? Who's Penny's mom? Where did Daniel Faraday, son of Widmore and Hawking, get his last name?
What's up with Widmore and Claire and Aaron? We know Widmore had some contact with Claire's boyfriend Thomas (Aaron's father) and has one of his paintings hanging in his office. I've always thought Widmore paid Thomas to get Claire pregnant and then abandon her. In return, Widmore bought a few of Thomas' paintings and promised to become Thomas' art patron. Maybe Thomas had second thoughts once he started imagining being a daddy and wanted out of the deal. Maybe that was Thomas who Widmore beat up in the garage in that film that Ben showed Locke to convince him that Widmore was a bad guy and Locke should not leave on the freighter.
And hey, we haven't seen or heard from Hanso in years. I always thought it was grandpap Magnus in Jacob's cabin when Ben and Locke visited, the chair spun like crazy, and Locke heard someone say "help me." Zombie Magnus?
The good Shepherds?
Geesh, Christian Shepherd is quite a name. Even for an ex- bad, drunken doctor who has become the Zombie in White who might know it all. In the pilot episode, he tells Walt's doggy Vincent to go wake up his son, because Jack has work to do. Who was Christian at that point? Christian? Or the nano-powered-Smoky-force using the dead body of Christian?
And Jack Shepherd, geesh again. Remember that episode where he gets his tattoo? Lots of bloggers seem to hate the Stranger in a Strange Land episode but way back, that Thai tattoo seemed to matter. When the Thai guys on the beach see it, they beat Jack up. During his captivity by the Others, Isabel translated Jack's tattoo as "he walks among us but is not one of us." According to Lostpedia the real tattoo is in Chinese and refers to a poem by Mao that asks, "who masters fate's rise and descent?"
Jack's name is almost Jacob. This train of thought makes me pretty sure that Jack will be the last candidate standing and the next Jacob. Or maybe Jack and Christian are the shepherds whose ultimate role is to protect Aaron, who will turn out to be the next Jacob.
I love Locke. He's a good man who was used and abused over and over again and never understood why. He was loved only once but couldn't work it out with Helen. Well, except in the sideways timeline and that probably won't work out. When he wakes up in the ambulance after Desmond hits him, Locke says his emergency contact is Helen. "I was going to marry her." So sad. Now that he's awake, he knows this sideways life can't go on. Did his life really have no meaning? Did he make endless mistakes and wind up a tool of evil Smocke? Surely the man of faith deserves better. Why was Alpert present at his birth? What was the meaning of the test and the attempts to recruit young Locke to Mittelos labs?
Who's that Jungle Boy?
I still think probably Aaron is the next Jacob, maybe time jumping in as Jungle Boy. It just seems right that Jungle Boy is the son of Jungle Claire and grandson of Jungle Christian.
But Jungle Boy could be a time jumping young Locke. Wouldn't it be cool if Locke wakes up after Desmond hits him, Jack performs amazing surgery so Locke can walk on or off island, Locke goes to the island, and sees how badly he was used by Flocke and everyone along the way in his shitty life. He would just be even more miserable, right? Wrong! Because suddenly he realizes, "Hey! Now I know what the right object was on the coffee table when Richard came to test me! Now I recognize that weird smoke picture I drew as a kid! I should have gone to that Mittelos summer science camp! I was supposed to come to the island in my youth and it's never too late for a course correction!" You don't remember all that? Lostpedia to the rescue again. It was all in Cabin Fever. Jacob touched Kate and Sawyer as children. But he touched Locke (and Jack, Jin, Sun, Hurley and Sayid) when they were adults. Jacob was giving Locke another chance. Maybe a chance to go back and do his life over again the right way.
Jungle Boy Aaron would be older than any Aaron we've seen yet. Jungle Boy Locke would be older than 5-year-old Locke and would have passed Richard's test the second time around. He would be younger than 15-year-old Locke because he would have gone off to Richard's "special school" in the 1960s. He probably would have become one of Richard's camp of hostiles during the Dharma period. He would look just like the Jungle Boy.
And what does David Byrne know?
Have you ever thought about this? The Talking Heads were singing about LOST 25 years ago in Once in a Lifetime. Seriously. Check out the lyrics. And am I the only one who has noticed the uncanny similarities between Christian Shepherd and David Byrne in the white suit in Stop Making Sense? And -- like another trippy time traveler whose name begins with a D -- David Byrne is Scottish!
Enjoy this great video with a whole new perspective.
Enjoy this great video with a whole new perspective.
I have seen the future
and in it, I am a sommelier. And I have convinced my partner that we should quit our jobs as sommeliers and buy a Walla Walla winery!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Another Happy Easter
I don't blog much, but Easter always seems to inspire another post. I guess it's the hangover glow of another Babylonian Zoroastrian Persian No-Ruz/Navruz/Nowruz, drifting into Jewish Passover, with the lovely pagan Ostara lingering into the dawn of the Christian Easter. It's the general amazingness of this spring-is-so-definitely-here holiday heard around the world. Easter is the most important holiday in Christianity. Not Christmas. I'm just sayin'. But let's not get into that.
Let's just roll with Oestre. It's a little scary what with the goddess turning that wingless bird into a very fast hare that lays eggs. And then having to hide the eggs during the burning times. And it's also a little scary because Jacob is dead. But hope for resurrection springs eternal. Did you see the way Jack handed Sun that tomato of hope? Very J-man. He walks among us but is not one of us. But let's not get into that either.
Let's just keep the holiday simple, pure and joyful. The way Walt Disney intended.
Ahh, the mystery of it all.
Hippity hop!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
We're no. 1 - and Sade's back!
Today the snow has stopped and the sun is shining. Snowpocalypse is now officially the biggest DC snowfall on record. We beat 1889's butt! We're number 1! We're number 1!
Some important tips gathered from local news for DC-ers inexperienced with big snow. We are number 1, but apparently we don't have a clue.
And during my hibernation I discovered more good news...
Cherish the day there's a new Sade album. I instantly bought it from itunes and it is great. It was released on the 9th, called Soldier of Love and you can read all about it here. I liked the "making of the album" video. It confirmed some of the things I read in reviews. Sade has made six albums in 26 years. It's been ten years since her last album. The other three members of her quartet now have careers on different continents and get together only to make music as Sade (that's also the name of their band). When they start making a new album, they don't have written music or lyrics. They just work out each song together for as long as it takes.
In 1979, Sade was a student of fashion design when she agreed to sing back up vocals with some friends. In 1981, she started writing songs and performing with a band, Pride. She was singing Smooth Operator. Soon she was offered a recording contract, but the offer did not include the rest of the band. She declined. Eventually she agreed if the contract would include three of her band mates, the three who still play with her today. Sade hit the charts with Your Love Is King in 1984. She made plenty of money from early albums, so she's not struggling. But she could have just kept pumping out the hits. Instead she waits until she thinks she has music worth giving to people. Her songs are always about the different stages and kinds of love. In the "making of" video she says making an album "is like a mission. You have certain rules, limitations and a terrain that you can operate within." After lots of stories about the struggle to get it right, she says, "it's fun, you know, because we love each other."
You can see the video for Soldier of Love on her website, but smoke-and-fire concept videos don't do much for me. I just want to listen to her voice, appreciate her band, and in a video I just want to watch her sing. Here's a live performance of Cherish the Day.
Some important tips gathered from local news for DC-ers inexperienced with big snow. We are number 1, but apparently we don't have a clue.
- Don't drive around with a ton of snow on your car roof. It'll slide off and really bug the people in the cars behind you.
- If you are worried about your house roof collapsing from the weight of all that snow, don't get all your friends together and walk around up there with brooms and shovels.
- If your windshield is covered with snow, don't just roll down the driver's side window and take off with your head sticking out.
- When having a great big snow ball fight in Dupont Circle, it's bad form to throw snowballs at cars, passersby, newscasters or police.
And during my hibernation I discovered more good news...
Cherish the day there's a new Sade album. I instantly bought it from itunes and it is great. It was released on the 9th, called Soldier of Love and you can read all about it here. I liked the "making of the album" video. It confirmed some of the things I read in reviews. Sade has made six albums in 26 years. It's been ten years since her last album. The other three members of her quartet now have careers on different continents and get together only to make music as Sade (that's also the name of their band). When they start making a new album, they don't have written music or lyrics. They just work out each song together for as long as it takes.
In 1979, Sade was a student of fashion design when she agreed to sing back up vocals with some friends. In 1981, she started writing songs and performing with a band, Pride. She was singing Smooth Operator. Soon she was offered a recording contract, but the offer did not include the rest of the band. She declined. Eventually she agreed if the contract would include three of her band mates, the three who still play with her today. Sade hit the charts with Your Love Is King in 1984. She made plenty of money from early albums, so she's not struggling. But she could have just kept pumping out the hits. Instead she waits until she thinks she has music worth giving to people. Her songs are always about the different stages and kinds of love. In the "making of" video she says making an album "is like a mission. You have certain rules, limitations and a terrain that you can operate within." After lots of stories about the struggle to get it right, she says, "it's fun, you know, because we love each other."
You can see the video for Soldier of Love on her website, but smoke-and-fire concept videos don't do much for me. I just want to listen to her voice, appreciate her band, and in a video I just want to watch her sing. Here's a live performance of Cherish the Day.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Snow back home

Here in D.C., it's day 7 of of snowmageddon. It isn't big news, but there's a lot of snow back home in western Pennsylvania, too. Here are some photos from my sister.
I remember when driving around on roads like this was not a big deal.

Here's our Park Church carillon and the park pavilion.

D.C. Snowpocalypse

Snowmageddon. Snowoverit. We're calling the DC blizzard of 2010 all of these. The big news is that a week of cabin fever provoked me to revive this blog. We had our first snow day a week ago. That was a minisnow, hardly worth mentioning now. Then last Friday we got this - the first 20-ish inches.

A tree fell at our edge of Rock Creek Park.

The instantly traditional DC 30-somethings snow fight was on in Dupont Circle. On Sunday, neighborhood friends walked over for chili, cornbread and the Superbowl. Go Saints! My favorite commercial was Punxsutwaney Polamalu. Go Steelers!
Monday was a day with no new snow. We went out to check out the neighborhood.

Other people had fun with shovels.

Fortunately I didn't have to use my bus stop.

We had burgers and fries at Nanny O'Brien's. The big news there is that they are completely out of veggie burgers and running low on ketchup. Let's hope for a delivery soon! (Just pretend this terrible photo is a great special effect.)

Everything stayed closed on Tuesday. And now, the Wednesday whiteout and another 10-20 inches. A news report says so far DC fire fighters have responded to five fires, 20 collapsed roofs and delivered 6 babies.

It is beautiful.
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