Friday, August 8, 2008

LOST summer games

Ahh, July means the LOST producers' panel at Comic Con. In their style, Cuse and Lindelof give us what some might call mild spoilers but I call teasers and clues. Now your average movie review is full of serious spoilers. Why don't critics give spoiler warnings on their movie reviews? Anyway, here's balm for those midsummer LOST cravings. And maybe a summer ARG to play.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

The Dharma Video

George Bush is President. Time is the essence. Ready to sign up? Dharma wants you.

Here's my catch of highlights and clues.

Part 1:
Dharma is reforming and recruiting. Get ready for your ARST - Aptitude, Recruitability and Suitability Test.

Part 2:
The new Dharma recruits need secret training. Nope, the island did not move during the earlier hatch implosion. We have not seen the last of Jin or Locke, but then death is a relative thing. Yep, there will be 2 more seasons, starting in February 2009 and February 2010.

Part 3:
We will see Rousseau's story, but don't expect the old flashbacks and flashforwards. A new approach is coming. Vincent the dog is fine. A woman is at Comic Con and she asks a question! Oh yeah, and the special guest appears.

Part 4:
Yes, Kate will see Sawyer again. (But then Desmond can time travel and see people in the past again. And Hurley has seen Charlie again. And Jack has seen his father again.) Faraday is okay, but fate may not be so kind to the non-line-speakers in the zodiac boat. Keep an eye on Faraday's little black notebook. Gotta love Stewart!

Part 5:
Richard Alpert is quite old. We will see him barefoot in the very near future. Remember that the man in the coffin was named Jeremy Bentham, who invented the panopticon? Are the people on the island being watched and if so, do they know who is watching them? What the heck happened back there in the new recruit training?