Saturday, November 1, 2008

Catty, aren't we.

1. Catty

Gov. Palin doesn't understand why 60% of women don't support her. ABC News

Jezebel thinks it just might be Palin's political positions on "pay equity, abortion, health care, taxes, the environment, energy exploration, foreign policy or who should pay for the forensic exams after a woman is raped."

Conservative radio host Bill Bennet thinks the problem is those liberal feminists. "I don’t know which drives them more crazy. Let me give you three things that I think drive them crazy, and you don’t have to comment. That’s she’s very attractive, that she’s very competent, or that she’s very happy. You know, as a human being." Notice Bennet offered, "you don't have to comment." But Republican campaign guy Rick Davis jumped right into it with, "Yeah, all of the above." You can listen here if you can stand the whole minute or so.

I guess it's a women are from Venus thing. But here's what I just love.
Apparently 60% of American women are now liberal feminists!

2. Crumpy

Meanwhile, you guys from Mars don't have to vote based on political positions either. I can suggest three reasons why many conservative men don't support Obama. He’s very attractive, he’s very competent, and he’s very happy. You know, as a human being. And he can dance.

The Dance-Off! Yay-yo!

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