I have some half-finished posts started over the past few weeks. I've got some photos collected to show you places I've been going. But I've been lazy. Now I'm in week two of just sleeping, reading, not working and not posting. I got this fab silk nightgown and cashmere robe for Christmas so may never even get dressed again. All I have to offer is this nice holiday version of the Wind Wakers tune, which apparently is a video game that has something to do with the Legend of Zelda. I know nothing about video games, but can see that this version is performed by some guy with a spit curl hair cut kinda like Peter Petrelli on season one of Heroes. I do know all about season one of Heroes because SugarPieHoneyBunch got a new Blu-ray dvd player so now we get instant Netflix and plan to catch up on all of the tv series that we didn't pay attention to but now are an important part of popular culture. Like Heroes and Weeds and Mad Men.
Anyway, enjoy this.
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