Wednesday, May 12, 2010

LOST morning: Bad Twin from Across the Sea?

So from Across the Sea came Jacob and - could it be - The Bad Twin? You remember. Gary Troup was the first survivor killed after the crash when he stood too close to the plane and was sucked into the engine. Gross. Later, Sawyer's beach stash included a manuscript of Troup's book. Hurley read it first, in The Long Con. Sawyer read it next, in Two for the Road. It was so good that when Jack tried to interrupt his reading, Sawyer told Jack to go take a walk around some coconut trees so Sawyer could finish the last few pages. In one of his Jack the Jerk moments, Jack tossed the final pages into a fire.

Unlike Sawyer, we can buy the book on Amazon. But we can also read the full plot on Lostpedia. It's a gripping story about fictional Widmore twins Clifford and Alexander. Alexander - "Zander" - is missing and Private Eye Paul is hired to find him. Mayhem and death follow our Scottish P. I. as he follows clues around the world. Eventually, he finds love with Pru and then together they find Zander living on an island. Alexander/Zander seems to be an irresponsible bad guy, but is really just badly misunderstood. He's trying to help the island people. The book is full of references to bright white light, purgatory, and final chances to make the right choice between good and evil.

The book was part of the Lost Experience Season 2 summer, along with the Rachel Blake-Alvar Hanso-Thomas Mittelwork escapades. Apparently it all started out under the direction of Darlton, but then the hired writers went rogue and made up some stuff of their own that "didn't meet the bar." Much of this book and the Rachel Blake story was disowned by Darlton and so might not be part of the real LOST story line. Still, they put the manuscript into Sawyer's hands and wove the title and the main ideas into the first season, so it's worth some thought.

I listened pretty closely and didn't hear a name for the young Smoke Mess, but it just might be Alexander. And if that were true, what would it all mean? Nothing much I suppose. But I believe we now have the back stories of Eve, Adam/Alexander and Jacob.

Hey, my dear hubs just asked, "I wonder if Smokey knows he's dead?" Now there's a very good question.

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