Tuesday, May 18, 2010

LOST Tuesday: Listen to your mother.

Have you noticed that Darlton interviews are all about religion, good and evil these days? I've also noticed that important women on the show are mothers or wannabe mothers. My baby sister has what is probably the best and most correct theory on the deeper, philosophical meaning of LOST. Here ya go.

Well, LOST……  I think the bad boys screwed up the beautiful light in the tunnel and let the black smoke out and just proved that women are better than men!  They never listen…….

Deep – huh?

Ya see, it is going to prove that we girls would have just enjoyed it and listened to our mother.  That’s it!  It will be the ultimate lesson in “Listen to your mother”  -  “Because I said so!”  or the bad black smoke will get you and ruin the world.

Behind every question is just another question. This could explain it all.

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